TVIPAY La Plateforme de Paiement Ultime Facilitez Vos Transactions en Toute Simplicité TVI PAY is the #1 recommended . Fri, 27 May 2022 01:48:47 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 TVIPAY La Plateforme de Paiement Ultime 32 32 What is Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) Fri, 20 May 2022 14:10:38 +0000 Nowadays, the access with broadband internet and downstream data rates of several Megabit per second (Mbit/s) is making a steady progress. The increasing in the number of       households who are getting used to video streaming and download, use of the Internet Protocol (IP) to enable interactive retrieval of video content from the Web. This kind of IP based television service is known as WebTV. But the WebTV still does not provide a guaranteed quality of service (QoS). Therefore, the telecommunication companies are trying many attempts to overcome the deficiencies of WebTV and launched the so-called IPTV.

What is Internet Protocol Television “IPTV”

Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is a system where a digital television service is delivered over Internet Protocol network (citation). Until now some researchers still consider the IPTV as a not well- defined term and may be a source or ambiguity and sometimes confusion. IPTV as from its name, it works on the TV with a set-top box that accesses channels, subscription services, on demand and other interactive multimedia services over a secure, end-to-end operator managed broadband IP data network with desired quality of service to the public with a broadband Internet connection.

In addition, the IPTV system can include Internet services, and here we are talking about the Web access and VOIP where it may be called Triple Play and is typically supplied by a broadband operator using the same infrastructure. The IPTV technology offers revenue-generating opportunities for the telecom and cable service providers, talking about the traditional telephone service providers, Triple Play is delivered by using a combination of optical fiber and digital subscriber line (DSL) technologies to its base.

However, IPTV cannot be considered as the Internet Video that simply enables users to watch videos, like movie previews and web-cams, over the Internet in a best effort fashion.

In addition, on the same side of the telecom and cable service providers mentioned before the cable television operators use a similar architecture called hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) in order to provide a broadband for the subscribers in their houses, and here we can distinguish between three types of subscribers homes (a residential environment, multi- dwelling units, or even in business offices) , but use the available coaxial cable rather than a twisted pair for the last mile transmission standard. The IPTV is taken from different perspectives depends from which side we are seeing it, starting with the service providers; so, from their perspective the IPTV encompasses the acquisition, processing, and secure delivery of video content over an IP based networking infrastructure. The type of service providers involved in deploying IPTV services range from cable and satellite TV carriers to the large telephone companies and private network operators in different parts of the world.

Triple play refers to multiple services that are delivered by a single service provider, the best example is the following:  voice (telephony), data (internet access) and television services. Quadruple play adds mobile telephony to the mix. The triple play services offer the combination of cash flow from separate services that can be used to pay for a common network that is capable of delivering all of them. From the perspective of service providers offering discounts to customers who buy more than one service, which has proven to be a great strategy. In addition, triple play focus on a combined business model rather than solving technical issues or a common standard. There is also what they call quadruple play which is often supported by dual-mode GSM plus WiFi cell phones that shift from GSM to WiFi when they come in range of home wired for triple play service.

IPTV Diagram

IPTV Features

As any technology the IPTV has many features that makes it different and that adds value to it, the following are the important features of the IPTV:

  • Support for interactive TV: The two-way capabilities of IPTV systems allow service providers to deliver a package of interactive TV applications such as standard live TV, high-definition TV (HDTV), interactive games, and high-speed Internet
  • Time shifting: IPTV in combination with a digital video recorder permits the time shifting of programming
  • Personalization: An end-to-end IPTV system supports bidirectional communications and allows end users personalize their TV viewing habits by allowing them to decide what they want to watch and when they want to watch
  • Low bandwidth requirements: Instead of delivering every channel to every end user, IPTV technologies allow service providers to only stream the channel that the end user has requested. This attractive feature allows network operators to conserve bandwidth on their
  • Accessible on multiple devices: Viewing of IPTV content is not limited to televisions. Consumers often use their PCs and mobile devices to access IPTV services.
IPTV Features Diagram

IPTV Advantages

Content is available whenever wanted

The main advantage of the IPTV over the other type of TV content providers (cable TV), is that you have access to the content whenever you want, then you don’t find yourself obliged to watch the television program that you don’t enjoy.

With IPTV, most media is on-demand you can have access to live television; so, you can start the next episode of your favorite show when you are ready for it, whether you want in other words It’s ready when you are, making it more convenient than ever.

Content can be watched in variety of ways

It used to be you could only consume television shows on your television, but it’s no longer the case. Media can be streamed on your television along with your computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, and a multitude of other devices.

Here are talking about another advantage that make it more convenient than just watch what you want, but also you can use just your phone while setting on the train or bus station to watch your favorite show, you don’t have to wait till coming back home to watch it.

More media entertainment options.

Your media programming is no longer dependent on what the networks want you to see. Now you can be the master of your own media programming, pulling in content from live television, on-demand movies, catch-up television episodes, radio, podcasts, along with apps and websites. It’s easy to customize programming to your needs and interests for a media experience that’s tailored to you and only you.

Many systems don’t require long, expensive contracts.

Cable companies used to be able to force people somehow into long and expensive contracts because they have your favorite shows and there is no other way to watch them without singing the contract.

With IPTV, you can often get the shows that you want for less expense and without signing long term contracts. Some systems allow you to pay for the particular channels that you want or to purchase shows or movies on an as-wanted basis. There monthly payment options that give the customer full access without the long contracts, so he or she can cancel when it’s convenient. That means media is more customizable and higher quality without the higher price tag.

Global entertainment at the touch of a button.

Internet protocol television allows to bring media from around the world into your home. You can enjoy television from the BBC even though you live in the United States wherever you are around the world; for example, maybe you want to catch the latest must-see-TV from the States even though you like in Germany.

Wherever you are and whatever you want to watch, IPTV has opened up global entertainment options. And the content isn’t slowed down no matter where you are and what you want to watch.

Demanded Programs

The advance n technology made new ideas born, and one of them is to give all the rights and opportunities to the users to watch any program they desire whenever they want to watch, and to this in the past years it was too expensive, but now with the different features provided with the advance in technology, the cost decreased and the service providers are attracted by the programs and videos on demand by the users.

The basic concept of VOD is based on video programming that is stored and then delivered to a viewer when it is required. This storage can take the form of a centralized server that is equipped to send programs simultaneously to a hundred of viewers, or it can take the form of a distributed storage throughout the network. At the limit, individual storage devices for each viewer can be located in individual STBs. Unicast connection is set up between the customers’ STB and the delivering streaming server. The signaling for the trick play functionalities (pause, wind, and rewind) is assured by Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). Moreover, the most common codecs used for VOD are MPEG-2 and MPEG-4.

Growth of IPTV

Market Overview

The Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) Market was valued at USD 72.24 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 194.21 billion by 2026. The market is going through a paradigm shift from traditional modes of broadcasting like cable or satellite TV towards internet-based streaming and, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) as a system has a significant role to play in this transitional phase. With the improved communication technology and advancement in the network architecture, these developments have also served the market affirmatively.

  • Technological advancements have increased the number of IPTV subscribers, necessitating the addition of HD channels and video on demand. Due to new market expansion, subscription numbers are also increasing. The industry is likely to be driven by the adoption of Internet-based streaming services.
  • The companies are combining OTT, video calling/conferencing, smart home, and video gaming to give complicated deliverables. Companies’ profitable methods are enticing customers, and the number of subscribers is growing, propelling the IPTV industry forward.
  • Government measures favoring digital television in developing nations such as India are also fuelling the spread of internet protocol television. However, competition from local cable and satellite TV, especially in poor and impoverished nations, is limiting IPTV growth to some extent due to lower costs and a lack of infrastructure for quality and jitter-free service.

Because of the increasing growth of internet connectivity around the world, there is a growing need for high-quality programming on television. The market’s growth has been aided by improved wired broadband infrastructure in metropolitan areas, which is projected to continue to fuel demand. The analysis of the global internet protocol television (IPTV) industry took into account both the hardware and services provided by vendors for the IPTV system.

Demand for High-Definition Channels and Video On-Demand to Augment the Market Growth which led us to the following conclusions:

  • Growing economies around the world are improving people’s disposable income in their own countries. It also improves people’s quality of life, particularly in poor countries. As a result of the increasing economies, internet penetration has increased dramatically all across the world.
  • As a result of these reasons, television service users are demanding improved user experiences in terms of quality and on-the-go viewing. Furthermore, Cisco has said that internet content is shifting toward video, with an average of 190 GB data usage per household in the United States in 2017, with video content accounting for 95% of data usage. Also, with the addition of the live streaming trend, internet usage is on the rise, and internet penetration is critical.
  • By the end of 2018, the internet penetration rate had risen to 57 percent. The North American region leads with 95 percent, while the Asia-Pacific region has the biggest number of internet users, followed by Europe.
  • Furthermore, cheap internet data is available, resulting in customers seeking high-quality television experiences, which is fueling the expansion of the internet protocol television industry.
IPTV Growth Rate by Region 2019-2024

IPTV Deployment

The IPTV as mentioned previously is a system of delivering television content to consumers over the infrastructure of the Internet. With the proliferation of broadband networks set up by telephone companies to offer broadband Internet to consumers, IPTV has overcome the problem of having limited bandwidth that was once a major barrier to deployment.

Consumers can have the IPTV through two ways, the first one is to buy set top box which plays the role of converting the IPTV signal in order to be able to be played in the television. The second way is to use laptop to watch the desired programs. Many IPTV service providers also offer voice and data capabilities with the IPTV service, making it a true triple play use of the broadband network. In the market of broadband applications IPTV is a major upset. The intervention of the IPTV expelled many cable television companies from the market because they are providing low-cost television, data and voice broadband applications to consumers. Services such as streaming video are widely available on IPTV due to the scalability of the medium. The categories within IPTV are still gel, but possibilities are still open as to which of the many versions of IPTV will become standard. Companies are in the initial struggle to become leaders of the market, but at this point it is the game of everyone in the market. There is no doubt that IPTV is the current popular generation for television content, but it has yet to be determined which companies will be the benefactors of the innovations that are now taking place knowing that many companies are taking advantage of this new technology to make profit.

IPTV Architecture

The IPTV architecture is comprised of the following functional blocks:

  • Super head-end: Where most of the IPTV channels enter the network from national broadcasters
  • Core network: Usually an IP/MPLS network transporting traffic to the access network
  • Access network: Distributes the IPTV streams to the DSLAMs
  • Regional head-end: Where local content is added to the network
  • Customer premises: Where the IPTV stream is terminated and viewed

For a very large IPTV delivery system, there is often a hierarchy of facilities constructed to deliver video signals across a large expanse of territory. One Super Head-end can serve millions of customers by processing the video channels that are common to all subscribers across the serving area. A Video Serving Office is located in each region as required to handle local programming and channels specific to a single city or geographic area. The Remote Terminal can serve as a Regional Head-end that contains the equipment needed to actually deliver the programming to customers in local area.

Broadcast information coming from an antenna or a satellite dish at the Super Head- end is mainly distributed using MPEG-2 multi-program transport stream (MPTS) to the video service node. The distribution of the actual SDTV or HDTV channel content is performed using various devices on the access network, such as digital subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAM) and other technologies like fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) can be used to interface with the user’s STB. For IPTV, each channel is distributed using a multicast IP address.

IPTV Architecture Diagram

IPTV Performance Measure

Quality of Service (QoS)

QoS is one or more measure of desired performance and priorities through the IPTV communication system.

Key Measures include:

  • Service availability
  • Maximum bit error rate, minimum committed bit rate
  • Packet loss and latency performance
  • Transmission quality

Quality of Experience (QoE)

QoE is one or more measure of the total communication and entertainment experience from the perspective of end users.

Key Measures include:

  • End user quality
  • Ability to use the system easily
  • Application driven
  • Content impairments
  • Blockiness, Jerkiness
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Powerful advantages of IPTV Fri, 20 May 2022 14:08:59 +0000 In contrast to traditional television, which is delivered through a cable connection, Internet Protocol Television refers to any TV program that is distributed to households using the Internet’s capabilities. IPTV can be used at home by contacting an internet television provider, downloading apps to watch TV on Android or iOS, looking for television channels on Google or another search engine, or lastly, subscribing to an IPTV service.

This innovative method of broadcasting television was developed using streaming video transmission technology. You won’t have to wait several minutes for a file to download and watch it later this way. In addition, IPTV allows you to watch any channel at any time in real time. It is also much easier to customize what each user wants to see with this form of non-traditional broadcasting with this technology. Without a doubt, this new method of transmitting television signals will not only be the way of the future in a few years, but it also inspires us to consider all of the possibilities that await us if we abandon regular television.

It is important to group various items linked together in order for this protocol to work:

  • The video signal and the servers that support it
  • Distribution of content
  • Software that is required
  • Subscriptions and access equipment are available.

Worldwide technology has ceased to be what it was at a previous period, thanks to the internet’s immense strength, which has astounded people since its inception. You can locate everything you want using modern technology, including song lyrics, music videos, an institution’s phone number, and even the ability to watch television. We must go into the concept of IPTV to better appreciate the full potential of being able to watch television over the internet.

IPTV stands for “Internet Protocol Television” The IP protocol is being used to distribute pay television signals over internet connections. This means that all of the TV stations’ programming is delivered to your home in the same manner as the internet.

IPTV and online TV

IPTV system architecture.

IPTV signal delivery, as shown, necessitates a completely new setup. This arrangement includes all national and international channels being received. Super head end is the name given to this place. The materials are organized, saved, and ready to be distributed here. As you can see, this stuff is blended in with other local content. Before being distributed to customers’ homes, web data and voice are integrated with IP video. As a result, IPTV requires whole new infrastructure in order to support IPTV-based packets for customers.

Internet TV

Unlike IPTV, Internet TV does not necessitate any additional or new infrastructure. It runs on the subscribers’ existing broadband internet connection. The video content is transmitted in the form of internet protocol packets along with other online data (IP packets). The modem/router receives the IP packets at the subscribers’ end. The modem/router allows you to view online material on a desktop PC or a wireless TV.

  • Technolog
    IPTVInternet TVIt makes use of IPTV service provider-managed private infrastructure. IPTV providers distribute the packets on dedicated lines.It makes use of ISP-managed public internet infrastructure. TCP/UDP protocols are used to transfer IP packets over the internet highway.
  • Applications
    IPTVInternet TVVideo on demand, program time shifting, numerous programs on the same display, and other unique capabilities are available.All internet protocols-based apps, such as music, live video streaming, and internet browsing, are included.
  • Installation
    IPTVInternet TVRequires IPTV STB (Set top box) and IPTV compliant television setsDo not require separate STBs, existing modem/router will be enough. This service is most often used using PCs and not TVs unless wifi TVs are available.
  • Cost
    IPTVInternet TVThe service is expensive, including monthly prices as well as charges for specific services/downloads.The service is freely available and will utilize downloads freely available for viewing.One of the most notable benefits is the option to select exactly what you want to see. Whether it’s a series, a movie, or a specific TV show, you’ll be able to customize your television. An IPTV subscription not only includes all of the classic channels you’re used to, but it also includes a slew of new channels that you won’t find on any other internet TV service. In other words, it has a significantly larger number of channels while still giving unrivaled definition quality. The images viewed on TV are of a resolution that surprises individuals who are unfamiliar with how IPTV works because it integrates an exclusive bandwidth for this reason. This means that the visual quality of IPTV is far better than the image quality of traditional cable or satellite television providers.IPTV also offers a feature that allows you to save the content that the user selects so that you may watch it later. All of this, of course, can be done from the comfort of your sofa using the remote control.Additionally, any IPTV software can be downloaded and used to have complete control of everything from a mobile phone, allowing you to, among other things, block any inappropriate channels and search for content that meets your demands. It is in our best interests.IPTV and piracyThe large number of channels offered is one of the most evident advantages of the service. You can choose all of your preferred routes and only pay for the channels you want to watch. Another advantage is that you can use a range of services and capabilities, such as Voice over IP, a digital video recorder, and a variety of other great features.If you choose IPTV, you will be able to record your favorite television episodes and view them at your leisure at a later time. Aside from that, the service enables you to transfer a large number of computer-based skills to your television. Additionally, you may enjoy high-definition video courses without having to worry about buffering. You will save a significant amount of time in this manner. You should use IPTV for a variety of reasons. IPTV content remains on the host network until the user demands it, whereas traditional cable TV feeds play media content via a linked network of cables at all times. This means that the customer will get access to greater bandwidth and will be able to stream videos on demand. This emphasizes the significance of a strong host network. 
    • IPTV can be used with any IP based service such as VOIP and high-speed internet.
    • Both live and pre-recorded videos and audios can be played over IPTV.
    • IPTV uses your current computer network and there is no need for cables.
    • Because of the video on demand format, the user has a wider array of shows to choose from the host network.
    • Content is always on the host network and the customer selects what they only need to see.
    • IPTV is a two-way system where the consumer must interact with the service provider. For instance, a customer requests a movie from the catalogue and it gets delivered. This is also known as movie rental.
    • An interesting feature of IPTV is the Electronic Program Guide (EPG) and the Personal Video Recorder (PVR) which is customizable to individual consumer needs. It has interactive features like pause, rewind, forward, and other program recording facilities while watching TV programs.
    • IPTV is compatible with all types of displays. Such devices include LCD displays, projectors, computers, smartphones, and TVs, without having to compromise the video quality. Basically, you are not limited to cables but can watch your favorite shows from any device that has an internet connection.
    • Internet Protocol Television is feature-rich and a wallet friendly option for daily entertainment.
    • Your safety comes first with IPTV. Since content is played over the internet you have control over what you want to watch. Also, with added security measures like firewalls you can trust that your content is protected as you enjoy it.
    • Flexible and scalable – Enterprise IPTV allows integration with other new TV and video sources anywhere you have network connection without quality degradation, creating a quick but less expensive extension system.
    • Internet Protocol TV emphasizes on user experience. It is a hassle-free connection, getting rid of a maze of wires so that the main concern is content broadcasting. In the end, the host network gets to improve its content, digital signage, and display quality for a better user experience.
    • Analog cable is the ability to acquire a program schedule for practically all channels, at any time of day, with an accurate indication of when anything starts and stops, as well as a channel program schedule for a few days ahead of time.
    • The good option, you can mark shows, series, or movies on channels in the TV guide and schedule the channel to switch automatically when one of the above begins on that channel. This approach is advantageous since it ensures that you never forget to plant what you have planned.
    • Recording content – If you are unable to watch a live event, series, movie, or other similar event, you can plan a recording of the material so that you can watch it later when it is more convenient for you. You can set a recording for numerous channels at the same time, so it’s not limited to just one.
    • Material is available on all devices – Another major benefit of IPTV technology is that content is available on all of your household’s devices. You can connect in to your phone or tablet and watch an episode of your favorite series while you cook or sit in the garden by downloading the app from your provider. You may also enjoy the app on your smart TV by downloading it. If you don’t have a smart TV, go here for instructions on how to get one.
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4 Things To Solve IPTV Buffering or Freezing? Fri, 20 May 2022 14:07:37 +0000 How To Solve IPTV Buffering or Freezing?

IPTV stands for internet protocol television, which means that instead of using antennas, satellite dishes, or fiber-optic cables, consumers receive television shows over the internet. To put it another way, IPTV broadcasts video content over the internet.

Although IPTV content delivery differs from that of internet video platforms such as YouTube or over-the-top (OTT) services such as Netflix, it shares many of its advantages. IPTV, for example, allows subscribers to subscribe to video on demand (VOD) programming and view live broadcasts. This allows people to watch their favorite episodes whenever they want while still being able to watch live events and programming on traditional television.

What is IPTV Buffering

Buffering might indicate a variety of things depending on the technology you’re talking about. When we talk about buffering in the IPTV field, we’re just talking about buffering in IPTV streaming. IPTV buffering is the process of preloading data into a buffer, which is reserved memory space. Streaming video or audio buffering occurs when the software downloads a particular amount of data before starting to play the video or music. While the next section of the file downloads in the background, you may keep an eye on the data in the buffer. In theory and most of the time in practice, this preloading process enables a seamless playback process without interruption.

Freezing and buffering are two of the most common problems that clients encounter when using a private IPTV service. We need to figure out why IPTV is buffering or freezing so that we can prevent it from happening again. We’ll go over the six main causes of your IPTV service freezing and buffering.

If There Are Several Connected Devices

Although many people are unaware of it, one of the issues that can cause content freezing is when there are multiple connected devices. After all, having multiple gadgets connected to the Internet in your home will slow it down, which will result in longer loading times.

This implies you shouldn’t use your computer, gaming consoles, smartphones, laptops, and tablets at the same time, primarily because your streams will be slowed. If you can’t reduce the number of devices you’re using, you might want to consider upgrading your Internet subscription.

Wired Connection

If you choose to connect directly to the modem, we recommend at least 25Mbps. You should be done with this if you don’t have any other devices attached. We recommend 150Mbps for WI-FI connections, depending on your house configuration. This will differ based on the location of your modem in respect to your IPTV box.

Power-over-Ethernet (1000Mbps preferable), WI-FI adapters are some of the products that can help you get the most out of your IPTV experience if you’re connected wirelessly (300 Mbps or more).

If The Buffer is Lowered

You may increase the inbuilt buffer on almost all IPTV devices. What exactly does this imply? It simply means that it will allow your device to increase the amount of data it can download, allowing it to load and play data while you wait for the next one to arrive.

Keep in mind that if you don’t know how to accomplish this, you can search up the buffer option in the system settings or read through the instruction booklet that came with the device you bought. If you can’t find it, there are a number of tutorials available online that may be of assistance.

If You Didn’t Connect The Device to The Router

Even though your IPTV device is close to your network, the connection may not be stable or quick. This is why you should utilize an Ethernet cable to connect it to your router, mostly because it will give you with a faster and more consistent connection.

If the router is in a different room, which would make connecting it to a cable more challenging, you could contact your provider and ask if they can come to your house and attach it to the router. Keep in mind that it will very certainly cost them money to do so, but at the very least you will have a reliable Internet connection.

Server Quality

It’s all about the price and the quality. Many individuals are lured by the low prices and opt for services that cost $8 to $12. These systems may function for a short time, but don’t anticipate anything long-lasting at those prices, based on my experience. Because of the low price, many users get on board in big numbers, clogging up the system and causing it to slow down, freeze, and buffer. These low-cost servers frequently lack customer service. A server costing $15 – $25, with $20 being the sweet spot, is your best bet for higher server quality and performance. These high-end/premium servers are often well-maintained and offer a wide range of customer care options.

You can always feel free to test the quality of our servers, for sure you will be satisfied: IPTV-LAB.COM 24HTEST.

How to Solve The IPTV Buffering or freezing

  • Internet speed

If your internet connection is slow, the channels will take longer to load and buffer. As a result, when clients report issues, we first look into the connection speed. If it’s low, we recommend upgrading to a higher internet plan. We also check to see if they’re utilizing the right middleware.

If your customers’ homes are crammed with the latest bandwidth-sucking gadgets, you can recommend a router that can keep up with the demands. These demanding wireless activities, which range from watching YouTube videos and playing the latest online games to downloading music and streaming movies, necessitate a fast, robust wireless connection to avoid the dreaded freezing and buffering.

  • Selecting Middleware

The next step is to choose Middleware. The software that acts as a link between the operating system and the IPTV applications that run on it is known as middleware. Because to the incorrect middleware selection, some IPTV channels may freeze. As a result, our Dedicated Engineers recommend that you use an IPTV box. It features an integrated Wi-Fi (or antennae attachment) that outputs at a high enough Mbps to work with an Ethernet Power Adapter or a Wi-Fi booster. The IPTV box’s connection to the internet via Wi-Fi could be one of the causes of channel freezing. To get around this, we recommend using an Ethernet Over Power adaptor.

  • Get Recommended Equipment

The way your service is pushed will be determined by the device you use. It is suggested that you purchase a box recommended by the service provider. Typically, they are already aware of the finest solutions for running their system. However, exercise caution and conduct thorough research before asking any queries. Instead of utilizing Android boxes with emulators, we advocate using dedicated IPTV boxes. Dedicated IPTV boxes, which do not require programming, are designed for live streaming and other IPTV features and services. Emulators for Android boxes necessitate programming, which can be difficult.

  • Network connectivity problems

Each receiver has a buffer setting that allows you to select the buffer size that best suits your internet connection. If your connection speed is equal to or more than 5.0Mbps per second and you’re still having problems, the first thing you should do is perform an internet speed test to see what your results are. If the speed indicated by the linked testing service is less than what is expected, examine the following options:

If you’re utilizing a wireless internet connection, you may need to relocate your device closer to the router. The greater the distance between you and the transmitter, the more likely you are to lose signal integrity. You might also wish to think about using a wired connection. A connected connection eliminates any signal integrity difficulties caused by being too far away from your router. In addition, the connection will be speedier. This choice, however, will bind your setup to a single location. Check to see if there are any other devices on your network that are consuming your bandwidth. Disconnect these if this is the case so that your IPTV is not hampered.


There are a variety of issues that you could be having with your IPTV device and subscription. And, if you choose to follow some or all of the tips and tactics in our list above, you should be able to solve your problem.

So, now that you know how to solve the IPTV issues you’ve been having, you shouldn’t waste any more time. Instead, try any of the remedies we provided, and you’ll be able to finally watch your favorite TV episodes and movies without them stalling, buffering, or lagging.

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Best IPTV Apps For mobile phone Fri, 20 May 2022 14:06:19 +0000 Can I watch IPTV on my mobile phone?

The entertainment sector has taken a new direction thanks to IPTV. In an IPTV system, all channel data is transmitted via the internet. Gone are the days when you had to sit in front of the television to watch your favorite show. On your mobile display, you can watch any show or film you want.

When compared to cable and satellite television, IPTV is more stable and offers more functionality. The following are some of IPTV’s features

  • You can watch hundreds of channels in different languages.
  • The speed of apps is very fast.
  • You can watch videos on demand.
  • IPTV is far cheaper than traditional TV. There are several applications that you can use for free.
  • Some apps provide live multiplayer gaming options as well.

3 best IPTV Apps for mobile phone 

IPTV apps are similar to Kodi in that they are nothing more than empty shells that can’t stream anything without user input. You’re in charge of adding channels, playlists, and other resources. As a result, they are completely lawful.

In most cases, you won’t be able to watch Netflix, Hulu, or direct video from other third-party providers using the apps. You’ll need to download an M3U file, which you’ll then import into the IPTV program.

1. IPTV Smarters


If you’ve ever paid for IPTV, there’s a strong chance your provider provided you with a branded version of the IPTV Smarters Player software. Many distributors use it as their preferred software.

You don’t have to use a branded version, though. You can add an M3U URL to the app and enjoy all of the same functionality as long as you have an M3U URL from your provider. Better still, unlike the branded versions, this “white label” version of Smarters Player can accept numerous logins.

On-demand movies and TV series, as well as catch-up channels, are available through the app (if your provider offers them). If you prefer to use the interfaces of external video players (such as Perfect Player and VLC), it also interacts with them.

Smarters Player is fantastic on mobile devices, but it shines even brighter on a television. It’s without a doubt one of the best IPTV apps for Android TV.

2. Lazy IPTV

M3U playlists in open-view, ZIP, and GZ formats are supported by Lazy IPTV. The software can also read XSPF playlists (XML Shareable Playlist Format).

It’s simple to add new material to Lazy IPTV. You can browse your local file system and copy and paste URLs from the web or your device’s clipboard. The program can play videos directly from YouTube and VK and works with HTTP and UDP streams. A built-in audio player for online radio channels is also included.

Lazy IPTV features electronic program guides, which is important for an IPTV app (EPGs). It can read open-view, ZIP, and GZ XMLTV EPGs.

Lazy IPTV’s usability features include the ability to add favorites, use nested folders, and build playlist groups. If you ever want to switch to another app, you can export your playlists. The app’s home screen is also entirely customizable, with links to your most-watched channels and the ability to customize how the content is displayed.

For mobile devices, Lazy IPTV is ideal. However, it is less well-suited to Android TV’s larger screens.

6. IPTV Pro


The IPTV Pro app for Android is a quick and dependable IPTV player.

Both M3U and XSPF playlists may be added to the app, as expected. EPG support is provided by XMLTV and JTV. You can use the IPTV software to play multicast feeds if you have a UDP proxy (installed via your local area network).

There are also some customization possibilities in the app. Depending on your preference, it can display the channels you’ve added in a list, grid, or tile layout.

Finally, upgrading to the pro version is worthwhile if you have a specialized Android set-top box for watching IPTV. It has a feature that allows the app to start automatically when the host device does. The premium edition also removes advertisements and includes a “resume watching” option that allows you to watch your most recently watched channel automatically.

You can check our tutorial on how to use IPTV on any device


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What is the best IPTV or cable Fri, 20 May 2022 14:03:42 +0000 IPTV vs Cable

IPTV or cable? let’s start with IPTV (internet protocol television) a term that refers to television broadcasting over the internet. If you’re not sure what it is, check out our explanation (here). It has a lot of things that cable doesn’t, but what is the difference between the two, and what are the benefits and drawbacks?

IPTV or cable

The major distinction between IPTV and cable is that cable was designed to be a one-way broadcast medium. All available programming is distributed from a central head-end via a hybrid-fiber-cable (HFC) system with fiber running throughout the communities. The offerings are then transmitted to the residence via coax cable (typically RG-6/U or similar).

Even though the cable is largely a one-way system, there are “reverse channels” that allow the STB box to communicate with the cable head end. Any channels that the client does not pay for can be blocked by the cable company.

Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS), designed by CableLabs, is used by cable television systems. It distributes the fiber and cable’s bandwidth into many 6-MHz wide channels. These channels were designed specifically for the original analog television. They’ve been utilized to transmit digital television over time.

Over time, the bandwidth of those cables has likewise risen. Most systems today have a bandwidth of 860 MHz or 1 GHz. Cable operators can now fit two or more digital TV signals onto a single 6-MHz channel thanks to efficient video compression and modulation techniques such as multilevel quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). These 6-MHz channels also make an excellent Internet access spectrum with extremely fast speeds.

The DOCSIS technology is also used by most cable operators to provide low-cost Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. As a result, cable television companies are the industry leaders in triple-play services.

The maximum speed of DOCSIS 3.0 is 152 Mbits/s downstream and 108 Mbits/s upstream, thanks to the usage of 256 QAM and the bonding of four 6-MHz channels. Few carriers have yet to embrace 3.0, although Comcast has installed it and is now offering data rates in select areas of the United States to compete with Verizonâ??s FiOS, which is now the fastest.

IPTV employs only baseband modulation, whereas cable uses broadband modulation. Although older computers still utilize MPEG-2, the more efficient MPEG-4 (H.264) is the most widely used video compression technology.

There are other points in which we can see the difference between IPTV and cable:

  • Cable is currently more widely available. Apart from regions where a satellite dish is required, the cable is available almost everywhere. However, IPTV is becoming more widely available. Naturally, you should check your individual area, but a fair rule of thumb is that if good, high-speed internet plans are accessible where you are, IPTV is as well.
  • Without buffering, cable delivers high-quality, HD visuals. Because your IPTV streams television via the internet, you may experience video degradation during peak hours if your internet connection is poor.
  • Unless you have a PVR, you’re stuck with a TV schedule if you have cable. Most IPTV channels allow you to pick and choose when you wish to watch specific shows. In addition, most IPTV bundles include a PRV so that your live TV experience is as convenient as your streaming. That’s correct. When we watch the news, we say Ian Hanomansing.
  • With cable, you can watch your show whenever you want. You receive a variety of features with IPTV that allow you to engage with your show. If you like John Wick, you might be interested in seeing what else Keanu Reeves has done. You don’t even need to look at your phone to see the rest of his illustrious filmography.
  • Your TV package provider most likely also offers internet, VoIP, phone service, or a mix of these services. If you want a good deal, you can acquire a package of services. For a long time, a bundle’s TV package was by default cable, but recently, more and more providers have switched to IPTV. So, if the bundled services are a big deciding factor for you, you may be converting to IPTV in the near future.
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How to watch IPTV on Chromecast? Fri, 20 May 2022 14:00:03 +0000 The Google Chromecast is a dongle that plugs into an HDMI port on your television. The device effectively serves as a receiver, allowing you to transfer or reflect videos from another device, such as a smartphone or tablet, to your TV.

When connected to your television, the Google Chromecast adds a number of features to your TV that it didn’t have before, such as the ability to stream content from specific platforms. This is accomplished by the Google Chromecast connecting to your home wi-fi network, which can then be controlled via your smartphone.

There are two ways to use Google Chromecast. You can use Google Cast to mirror the content on your phone to your TV, or you can use your phone to instruct the Chromecast dongle to fetch the same content in higher quality.

For example, if you select to mirror the cast from your phone, the video content or website you’re visiting will appear on your TV, in the same manner, it does on your phone. You may then use your smartphone or portable tablet device to control your television while browsing the internet on it.

However, if you set the Google Chromecast to retrieve content from a separate source rather than mirroring it, the quality of the content will be improved. Owners of the Google Chromecast Ultra, for example, may watch content in 4K resolution, which is not available on smartphones. This allows you to make use of Chromecast’s simplicity while viewing a resolution that smartphones don’t support.

How do I Cast IPTV on Chromecast?

cast iptv on chromecast

Step 1. Make sure that both your smartphone and your Google Chromecast are connected to the same wi-fi network.

Step 2. Now you must use your smartphone to download the app called BubbleUPnP. Access the Google Play Store and type in “bubbleupnp” into the search bar. BubbleUPnP should pop up on top of the list of results. Download and then install it.

Step 3. Once BubbleUPnP has finished downloading and installing, open up the app.

Step 4. On the main page of the BubbleUPnP app, you will see a Cast button on the lower right-hand side of the screen. It looks like a square with wi-fi signals next to it.

Step 5. You will see a sub-menu pop-up that displays devices that are connected to the same network. Click on the one that says Chromecast.

Step 6. Now your smartphone should be ready to cast to your TV via Chromecast. Next, you will have to click on the Playlist button at the bottom of the main menu screen.

Step 7. On the Playlists screen, click on the Menu button in the top right-hand side corner. It looks like three dots arranged vertically.

Step 8. A sub-menu will now appear. Click on Add Stream URL.

Step 9. A new menu will appear. This is where you will enter your IPTV m3u URL that you’ve previously obtained from your IPTV streaming service subscription. Type or paste it in and then click on OK.

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Step 10. In case this is your first time going through these steps, you will receive an install notification from BubbleUPnP. It will require installing some additional files to allow this IPTV on the Chromecast feature to work. It should only be a small download consisting of around 10MB. Click on Install if this notification appears for you.

Step 11. After the files are done downloading and installing, your IPTV URL will now be activated and will begin playing on your TV via Chromecast.

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